CSD Works Employment Services for D/HH Consumers

CSD Works is an employment support service for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HH) consumers with the goals of preparing for, finding, and advancing in employment. CSD Works services include career assessment and counseling, job search and interview skills, independent living skills, career education and training, and assistive technology. We collaborate with Departments of Vocational Rehabilitation to provide the following services:

Employment Services

CSD Works staff will meet with consumers to develop an Individual Service Plan (ISP) report, which will include:

  • Areas to be addressed, proposed activities, outcomes, methods to track progress
  • Schedule, timeline for completion, and persons responsible for each task

Employment Services
Assist consumers in enhancing their strengths, by:

  • Improving job skills and appropriate work-related “soft skill’ behaviors to enhance consumer’s employability
  • Assisting in the development of work-based skills and motivation, as well as social and life skills
  • Training in resume writing and interviewing techniques
  • Coordination of job search activities, identifying appropriate job openings

Job Development
Assist consumers in preparing, obtaining, and retaining employment by:

  • Identifying labor market trends and finding suitable jobs for D/HH workers
  • Maintaining meaningful partnership with employers and businesses to secure viable employment opportunities for D/HH consumers
  • Educating employers and companies about disability laws and best practices in hiring D/HH employees

Job Placement
Assist consumers in finding a job and reduce the length of time unemployed, as well as minimize the stress and struggle of the job search process, by:

  • Providing access to job opportunities that might not be advertised elsewhere
  • Customizing job search criteria, so skills and career objectives can be matched to employment settings

Help D/HH consumers keep their jobs by:

  • Performing regular check-ins with consumers and supervisors
  • 30, 60, 90 day evaluations to support both consumers and employers

If you work in VR and are interested in working with us, please connect with us today!

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